You Are Here for a Reason

July 02, 2024 1 min read

What if you are here at this time in history for a reason?

What if you are here to inspire the change the world needs?

What if you are here to build a life of greatness that inspires others to want more for themselves?

What if you are here to restore excellence to society?

What if you are here to be a part of the most pivotal and impactful movement the world has ever seen?

These are things I think about often.

We all know how badly things need to change.

The current state of our country and the world is one of chaos, disorder, and division.

Most people are struggling right now in one way or anther.

It's up to us to fix this shit.

...and every single one of us has a part to play.

Make sure you're living to a high standard...

Building people up...

...and working to build a life that shows others what's possible for them.

Do good.

That's your responsibility.

The example we set is what inspires real change.

Nothing else.

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