Never Place a Limit on Your Potential

July 01, 2024 1 min read

Most people end up becoming far less than they could become in life because of the limits they place on themselves inside of their mind.

"I don't have the same skills other people have."

"Success isn't meant for me."

"Everyone hates me."

"Only bad things happen to me."

"I'm not good enough."

Sound familiar?

If they do...

I recommend you take urgent and aggressive action toward overcoming these beliefs through your growth and progress.

Understand that your identity is your choice.

...and if you don't think highly of yourself...

It's because you haven't proven to yourself what you're capable of by executing...

Building skills...

Overcoming hardship...

Making progress...

Stacking daily wins...

...and by stomping out these beliefs through real examples as to why they're false.

Yes ... It's hard.

Yes ... It will take time.

But it's still your choice.

Your perceived limits are not your real limits.

Identify these limits...

Then go out and fucking destroy them.

It is your obligation to yourself...

Your family...

Your friends...

Your community...

Your state...

Your country...

...and the world to go out and become the bad motherfucker that lives inside of your heart.

Go become that person.

The only real limits you have are the ones you place on yourself.

Eliminate them.

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Also in AndyGram

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