What Will You Do with the Cards You're Dealt?

December 23, 2020 1 min read

Deck of cards 

Life isn’t fair.

We're not all dealt the same cards.

I grew up a poor, fat kid that lived on a gravel road.

Some people are raised in a privileged, wealthy environment...

Where they have access to everything they could ever want and need to build an incredible life.

Other people are raised around poverty and crime...

And have to face more challenges and adversity to get where they want to go.

But here is the beautiful thing...

In America...

Even though we come from different backgrounds and upbringings...

We all have the same opportunity.

So let's be clear...

You can't trade the cards you're dealt.

But it doesn't matter.

What matters is WHAT YOU DO with the cards you're dealt.

You may get a better or worse hand than I get…


There's no trophy for who has it the worst...

And who struggled the most...

So don't bitch about it.

What have you done with the cards you were dealt?

There are people that have come from much worse circumstances than you and me...

But they chose to play the game...

And have won big time because of it.

As soon as you start to adopt that mindset…

Things will change for you.

It doesn’t matter what cards you are dealt.

You have to take action regardless...

and go fucking win.

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