Stand Up For What You Believe In

December 22, 2020 2 min read

Andy standing with a coat on looking off in the distance

I get this question almost every day…

“Hey Andy, do you think that being open about your beliefs and speaking your mind could hurt your business?”

And my answer is always this…


Not at all.

People are too concerned about getting backlash from standing up for their beliefs.

This fear keeps them from expressing any of their thoughts or opinions...

And they never establish what they truly stand for.

Here's the truth...

If you don't stand for something...

People have no reason to support you.

You'll never form any kind of culture or community ... and you'll eventually become irrelevant.

When in reality...

You should be seeking the complete opposite of that.

Represent something.

Express your values.

Stand up for what you believe in.

Yes, there will be people who don't agree with you.

These people will put up a fight...

Call you a piece of shit...

And try to “cancel” you…

But this will ALWAYS be the case.

Some people will always find something about you they do not like.

And the fact of the matter is this…

These people were never going to be your customers or supporters anyway…

And they NEVER will be.

So don’t worry about them.

You have to remember that there is a whole other group of people on your side…

Who support your actions…

Stand with you...

And stand up for you.

Your beliefs will develop a strong community.

A community full of like-minded people.

One of the best things I've learned in business is this...

Having 100 people who are extremely loyal to you...

Is much more powerful than having 1,000 that don't have an opinion.

So don't try to please everybody...

And start focusing on sharing your beliefs.

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