We've all been through tough times...
And the fact of life is...
You're going to get punched in the face...
Most people try to avoid these hardships...
And escape their struggles...
Which is when they start cutting corners...
Going through the motions...
And taking the path of least resistance.
Here's the problem with that:
Without discomfort ... there is no growth.
Believe me...
Your struggles are a privilege.
But when you're so focused on the outcome...
It's extremely difficult to see the upside of your struggles.
In fact, if your life was all rainbows and unicorns...
You'd be weak as fuck...
And you wouldn't learn shit.
You'd never develop the resilience to deal with your struggles.
You'd never learn how to operate under pressure.
You'd lack the mental toughness and fortitude to succeed in anything you do...
And you sure as fuck wouldn't have the persistence to tackle your struggles in the future.
Things will never get easier...
They'll only get more difficult.
So don't try to escape your hardships.
Don’t wish for things to be easy.
Don’t obsess over the outcome.
Go through the process...
Embrace the struggle...
And learn to adapt and overcome.
That way, when more obstacles present themselves...
You're already well-equipped to kick ass.