Take This Opportunity Seriously

June 01, 2024 2 min read


If you want to make rapid progress in your career...

Your goal should be to execute your current role at the highest level possible.

If you make fries at McDonalds...

You should make the best fucking fries out of all the McDonalds.

If you pack boxes in a warehouse...

You should pack every single order with the highest level of detail and care.

If you stock the shelves at a grocery store...

You should make sure every aisle is fully stocked and spotless at all times.

Most people fuck up their entire career by half-assing whatever it is they're doing now and waiting for the opportunity they ultimately want to come their way.

If that's you...

You are missing the point entirely.

Until you can become exceptionally skilled at whatever it is you do right now...

You will never be trusted with anything else.

That means by not taking the "small" opportunity you have in front of you seriously...

You are literally keeping yourself from moving onto the "bigger" opportunities in the future.

You may think your current job doesn't matter.

You may think you can go through the motions.

You may think you can put in the minimal work now and "turn it on" when the time comes…

...but that is false, and your time will never come.

If you can't execute at a high level every single day regardless of whether you like your current role or not...

Not only will you never get the opportunity you want...

But you also won't be developing the habit of kicking ass at anything and everything that you do.

...Which is EXACTLY what will unlock the ability for you to move onto the "bigger" and "better" opportunities.

Get it?

You are paving your own path through your execution NOW.

Want the bulletproof strategy to becoming undeniable and taking your career further than you ever thought possible?

It's right in front of you.

Start taking the opportunity you have in front of you seriously.

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