Keep The Promises You Make Yourself First

April 08, 2020 2 min read


It's real popular right now for people to talk about being happy and positive.

Nothing wrong with that...

But it's not a financial success strategy.

Don’t believe me?

Let me see your happy ass go to McDonalds and pay for lunch with your McSmile.

Your ass will get McKicked the fuck out the McDoor.

That's a McFact.

So, be happy, spread positivity, but if you think doing those things is gonna somehow materialize into money in your bank account, you’re the real life Ronald McDonald.


All that time you spend double tapping idealistic memes and listening to shit that is trying to convince you that you should be happy and trying to figure out why you still aren’t could be spent on learning & practicing REAL SKILLS.

You want to know why none of that other bullshit “happiness” content actually makes you happier inside for longer than 60 seconds?

Because YOU know YOU.

You know deep down inside where nobody else can see what you are leaving on the table, and that you are wasting your potential.

You know you are cutting corners.

You know what you are hiding beneath your facade.

And you hate yourself for it....and THAT is why you’re unhappy.

Would you trust, have belief in, and have confidence in a friend that constantly lied to you about what they were going to do but never did it?

Hell no you wouldn’t...

So what makes you think it's any different from you to you?

Want to be happy?

Want to have self-esteem?

Want to build confidence?

Want to build skills?

Keep the promises you make to yourself FIRST!

Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Confidence, & learning new skills lead to happiness....not the other way around.

And those qualities that build happiness require discipline and work.

You aren't entitled to it.

You have to EARN IT.

Earn it by keeping the promises to yourself and doing whatever work is required to make sure you do!

That's the McTruth.


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