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When I started Andygram 4 years ago today...
I made a promise to share my best lessons and advice with you every single day.
...and since that day...
I've seen more and more of you go all in on the promises and commitments you make to yourself.
I hope you know I think that shit is cool as fuck...
...and it's the entire reason I do this.
Keep going.
But also understand that as a collective group of individuals...
We still have a lot of work to do in 2024 to create the change we want to see in the world.
It starts with you. It starts with me.
People need our example...
...and it’s our obligation to show them exactly what's possible for them by becoming our greatest selves.
Today is January 1st.
It’s time.
Hold yourself accountable.
Fix the problem at its core.
There is a 99% chance your issues in life that hold you back come not from lack of knowing what to do…
…but from your ability to see it through and execute day in and day out.
What would your life actually look like if you could’ve executed completely on any dream you have ever had for yourself so far?
Let’s fix that problem.
Fix that and you fix most things in your life.
That’s what #Livehard and #75Hard are designed to do.
If you really want to fix this problem I’ll do it with you.
Start today. With me.
If you are struggling I’ll be right there struggling with you.
When you are sweating … I’ll be sweating.
When you are grinding … I’ll be grinding.
…but we’ll be getting better together!
We’ll solve this problem together so you can get on with the life you actually want for yourself.
Start now.
Even if you don’t do 75 Hard or Livehard, make a true commitment to being a better, higher standard human.
I’m rooting for you.
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
…but keep this in mind.
It’s not just about you.
It just starts with you.
If we all make this commitment together…
We can create a lot of positive change in 2024 by the improvement in our own lives alone.
If we truly want a better world like we all do…
…we have to become our best as individuals.
Individuals make the collective.
You are that individual.
If you do your part.
I’ll do mine.
It’s gonna take all of us.
Let’s fucking go.