Make the Right Choice

October 10, 2023 1 min read

Andy getting on a helicopter

No matter what you're building, whether it's your career...



Financial freedom...

Or anything else...

You're going to reach a point in your journey when you start to ask yourself...

"Is it worth it?"

"Why am I even doing this?"

"Should I even keep going?"

For some of you, this will be the beginning of your journey...

For others, it will come at a point where you've pushed yourself to your limit...

For many more, these thoughts will come up over and over again.

In these moments, you have a choice to make.

1. Quit.

Leave all your life's potential and greatness on the table...

...and be forced to deal with the regret and thought of "what if" down the road.


2. Push back as hard as you can and bury these thoughts with your success.

The choice you make in these moments is what will ultimately end up defining you.

While I can't make the choice for you...

I can promise you that if you keep showing up...

If you keep executing...

If you keep learning from your mistakes...

...and you see your journey through to the end...

It will be worth every single drop of your blood, sweat, and tears ... guaranteed.

I hope you make the right choice for yourself.

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