You are surrounded by opportunities every single day to make yourself better.
These opportunities are small, seemingly unimportant details that most people consider to be "someone else's problem."
They will help you develop discipline...
Attention to detail...
...and a willingness to do the hard, inconvenient tasks that others won't.
Can you guess what these opportunities are?
I'll give you a few…
It's the piece of trash on the floor.
It's the piss droplets on the toilet seat.
It's the chair that isn't pushed in.
It's the shopping cart that was left in the middle of the parking lot.
Address these details.
Don't do it for recognition.
Don't do it because you think you're "better" than anyone else.
Do it because they are opportunities to sharpen your blade and invest in your skill set.
Even if these improvements are only a fraction of an inch at a time...
By taking care of these details...
You will continue to widen the gap between yourself and everybody else because you will be fine tuning your skill of discipline with every seemingly insignificant detail.
Which pours over into every area of your life.
You definitely can't get any worse by doing these things.
But if you choose not to do them...
You absolutely will.
Discipline is a perishable skill.
…and when you don't have it…
People who do beat you.
That's not a risk I'm willing to take.
Start taking these seemingly insignificant opportunities seriously.
These micro-improvements will stack up over time and give you a huge advantage in the long run.
Trust me on that.