A lot of people will try to multi-task because they tell themselves they’re being more productive and efficient…
...and while this strategy may work for them in the short-term...
What these people are actually doing is crippling their ability to win in the long-term.
If you want to be more productive and produce the absolute best results possible...
You have to pour all of your energy, effort, and focus into one singular task at a time before moving to the next.
Here's why:
When you split your attention between multiple things at once...
You make it impossible to execute each task with a high level of detail and care...
Which guarantees you results that are below average at best.
Real productivity is not measured on a scale of how much shit you can get done.
It's measured on a scale of how much shit you can get done while upholding the highest standard possible.
That's what produces real results.
Understand that multitasking is no different than cutting a fucking corner.
When you cut corners...
You will always lose to the people who don't.
High performers focus on producing the best results possible by prioritizing one task at a time.
...and once they've finished that task...
They quickly shift to the next.
If you truly want to win in life...
I suggest you do the same.