Belief is Essential for Long-Term Success

October 26, 2022 1 min read

Andy with Ed Mylett

One of the most important pieces to achieving real, long-lasting success is belief.

It also happens to be what separates the people who consistently win in life from the people who consistently quit.

Most people go through life with goals and dreams that they don't truly believe they can reach.

Then, at the first sign of resistance … they back down and watch their dreams and aspirations go to waste.

Trust me when I say "Believe in yourself" isn't just some bullshit cliché...

It has a very real and practical application to your success in life.

Belief will fuel your work ethic...

Belief will make you stronger...

Belief will get you through the hard times...

Belief will keep you from quitting when everybody else does...

But only if you buy into your vision so much that anything less is unacceptable.

If you believe you can reach your biggest goals and dreams in life...

You're right.

If you don't believe you're capable of reaching any of your goals or dreams...

You're also right.

So what do you choose to believe for yourself?

That's a decision you have to make.

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