Your Voice Matters

July 16, 2024 1 min read

"Political correctness" was designed to get you to censor yourself.

"Silent majority" was designed to make you believe it’s admirable to stay silent.

"Cancel culture" was designed to punish anyone who steps outside the narrative while simultaneously intimidating people into inaction and irrelevance.

These are not social phenomenons.

These are weapons intentionally created for a purpose.

Weapons designed to suppress your voice.

Weapons designed to keep you in line.

Weapons to keep you irrelevant and weak.

Anytime you go along with these social weapons you are furthering their agenda.

When you stay silent...

You enable their suppression of you.

Ask yourself:

Why are they so afraid of what you have to say?

Because they know it matters.

Use your voice.

It matters more than you think.

You have been manipulated to believe you are all alone.

You are not.

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