All Winners Possess This Skill

July 17, 2024 1 min read

Without true self-awareness...

You cannot win.

It's literally impossible.

Real winners are in a constant state of self-evaluation and self-assessment.

They critique themselves after every fucking play.

Every single one.

These people win and continue to win because they've built a habit out of taking a look in the mirror...

Having a conversation about where they need to improve...

...and calling themselves out on their own bullshit.

This is not an easy skill to develop.

None of us like having the difficult conversations with ourselves about where we're falling short.

...But all of us need them.

Learn to control your ego and tell yourself the truth.

There can be no growth without frequent and intentional self-reflection.

Build this skill and commit to it.

If you do...

There will be no limit to how great you can become.

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