If you need someone to motivate you...
Give you a "kick in the ass"...
Or constantly hold you accountable for your own performance...
Get comfortable with living an average life.
Because here's the truth...
You're not always going to feel motivated...
You're not always going to have energy...
You're not always going to have momentum...
...and nobody is going to hold your hand.
So quit looking for "motivation."
Start exercising discipline.
Motivation is temporary ... and it can come and go in an instant.
Discipline is a skill that you forge by pulling yourself through the flames.
...and the longer you condition yourself to push through the moments when you don't want to do the shit you know needs to get done...
The more disciplined you will become...
Which gives you a significant advantage over everyone else in the long-term.
Become disciplined...
…and you’ll become unstoppable.