You Don't Have Limits

September 14, 2024 1 min read

You and I don't have limits.

We have perceived limits.

...and these perceived limits are exactly what keep most people from becoming great.

Instead of testing and pushing through their limits...

They allow these beliefs to keep them from breaking free and building a life on their terms.

The limits they create inside their mind become the limits that hold them back in life.

If you believe you have limits...

It's because you haven't proven to yourself what you're truly capable of.

That self-belief can only be built through execution...

Overcoming hardship...

...and stacking enough daily wins to dismantle these limiting thoughts.

You owe it to yourself and the people in your life to destroy these limits and become the person you're meant to become.

Your example is the only thing that will show others what's possible and inspire the actions necessary for them to create real change.

I'd consider that to be your obligation.

Mine as well.

Eliminate your limits.

You never had any to begin with.

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