I Don’t Know Everything

May 01, 2021 1 min read

Andy speaking on stage

We all know at least one of these people...

The people who work hard for a few years...

Start to taste a little bit of success...

Think they are killing it...

And before they even realize it...

They fall off...

Begin to struggle...

And go from someone who consistently performs...

To someone who constantly struggles to make ends meet.

But why?

Here's why...

At the start of your journey…

You understand that you know NOTHING....

You humble yourself to the process of learning and growth...

And over time...

Your efforts will be rewarded.

You'll start gaining momentum.

But where most people mess up is when they start kicking ass...

They begin to tie their small wins to themselves, and boast about how "smart" and "good" they have become...

As opposed to relating their success to the discipline, hard work, and dedication to self-growth they practiced along their journey.

This is when these people start to lose, and can't seem to figure out why.

They began leaning on their "talents" or "skills" that don't actually exist...

Instead of continually repeating the process that helped them develop the skills they need to win.

The biggest key to success is the ability to recognize how little you actually know...


You don’t know everything...

You never will know everything.

I don’t know everything...

And I never will know everything.

Success in life requires constant growth and self-development...

You can't learn anything new if you think you know everything.

The day you stop growing is the day your dreams die.


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