How to Make the World Work for You

May 02, 2021 1 min read

Andy sitting at a table talking to others

Every day I see people going through life with the mentality that the world owes them something.

What I oftentimes find to be a commonality amongst these people is this...

They're selfish, self-centered, and entitled...

These people go through their daily life trying to manipulate the world in a way that will serve them.

They try to cheat the world into giving them what they want at the expense of others.

This may work temporarily...

These people may see a little bit of success...

But it will not be long-lived...

Simply put, it's just not the right way to do things.

The only way you can truly be successful long-term is to be of service to others.

If you're selling a product...

It has to solve a problem and help people.

If you are managing people or employees...

You have to dedicate yourself to the betterment of these people.

If you love your customers...

You have to give back more than what your product or service is worth in dollars.

The better you become at solving people's problems and serving them...

The more money will find its way into your bank account.

Here's the truth...

The world doesn't think you're special...

The world doesn't care about you...

The world doesn't owe you shit...

The world doesn't hate you either...

It has no opinion...

It just is.

But when you care about others...

Other people will care about you.

So if you actually want the world to work for you...

Dedicate yourself to helping the world first. 

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