What It Actually Takes to Be Happy...

April 30, 2021 2 min read

Andy sitting in the gym

One of the biggest lies being sold on the internet today is the idea that you deserve to be happy and "love yourself" for who you are...

This is bullshit.

Even though I'd love for everyone to be happy...

You need to understand something very important about happiness...

It is EARNED...


What I've come to recognize as the truth in my life is this...

Real happiness comes from being consistent with 3 components…

1. Discipline: 

You have to keep the obligations that you make to yourself.

You have to live up to your standards and work to surpass those standards.

What YOU say needs to happen...

YOU need to do.

What YOU say you are going to do...

YOU need to do.

...because if you don’t...

You won’t have confidence.

You won't have the sense of accomplishment.

You won't be happy.

2. Purpose:

You need purpose.

You need a mission.

Most people think this is about becoming financially secure and taking care of your family…

But it’s much more than that…

Your purpose is something that drives you…

Your purpose is something that makes you excited to do the work day in and day out…

It has to be bigger than you and your paycheck...

Having purpose will give you clarity and contribute to your overall happiness.

3. Gratitude:

The third component of happiness is gratitude.

It will SAVE you.

When you're in a dark spot...

You think the whole world is against you…

And you think nobody gives a shit...

STOP for one second...

And think of all the things that are actually good in your life.

Once you incorporate gratitude in your life...

It will feed into your happiness.

When you practice these 3 components consistently...

I guarantee that you will be happy when you hit your pillow at night.

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