Which Voice Are You Listening To?

December 23, 2021 1 min read

Andy walking off of a plane

We all have two voices inside of us...

The boss voice...

…and the bitch voice.

The boss voice is the one that pushes you to do great things in life.

It encourages you to do shit that takes you closer to your goals.

This is the voice that will help you reach your true potential.

Your bitch voice operates differently...

It's the voice that makes excuses...

The voice that fuels self-deflating thoughts...

The voice that keeps you from achieving greatness.

When you feed the bitch voice...

It will infect every area of your life...


You have to learn to identify this voice, and tell it to shut the fuck up...

Likely multiple times a day.

But when you stop giving power to the bitch voice...

...and start giving power to your boss voice...

Absolutely nothing will be able to stop you from building the life you want.

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