When Is the Right Time to Reward Yourself?

October 30, 2021 1 min read

Andy standing next to a plane

A lot of people ask me this...

“When is the right time to reward yourself?”

Here's my answer...

Reward yourself everyday…

By getting up...

...and working your ass off.

Reward yourself through challenging yourself...

Reward yourself through growth...

Reward yourself through getting better...

When you invest in yourself, and return that investment in the form of helping others by solving their problems...

The material things will come to you in abundance without you even thinking about it.

Too many people reward themselves for doing shit they should have been doing anyway.

Because they do this at inappropriate times…

They handicap their ability to get to the real rewards...

The nice cars...

The nice house...

The dream vacations...

You have to eliminate the mentality of “rewarding yourself” and implement the mentality of actually doing the work on a daily basis to become excellent.

Only then will the universe reward you in ways you never even imagined.

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