Far too many people operate with a transactional mindset.
If they give...
It's with the expectation that there will be an immediate return of equal or greater value.
...and because they're only concerned with serving themselves...
These people never win.
All highly successful people understand that if they truly want to make it about themselves...
They have to make it about others.
Becoming a person of true greatness is about providing a significant amount of value to anyone and everyone you come in contact with.
What you give is what you get.
...and what you get is the life you'll be living in 5 years...
10 years...
...and 20 years down the road.
Start living a life of service.
Serve through your actions.
Serve through your example.
Serve through the products you offer.
Serve through the services you provide.
Serve through every single thing that you do.
How much different would the world be if we all helped each other with 0 expectation of a return?
How much different would the world be if we all offered each other care and support through our struggles?
How much different would the world be if we all focused on what we can do for others instead of what we can do for ourselves?
Focus on serving others and providing the most value you possibly can.
If you do that ... everything else will take care of itself.