What’s Worse Than Losing Against Someone?

October 01, 2020 1 min read

Andy standing at a gate

If you are a competitive person…

Which I am assuming you are, given that you are reading this…

You absolutely love to win.

So do I.

No doubt about that…

If I asked you what’s worse than losing against someone…

What would you say?

Think about it for a minute…

If you think there couldn't be anything worse than losing against someone else…

Try losing against YOURSELF…


That’s way worse.

There are millions of people out there who make themselves fancy promises…

And they have high aspirations for themselves in life…

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!

But they never go for it.

They are either paralyzed by fear…

Or they try it once and quit.

And then there are people…

Who not only dominate the competition when it comes to beating others…

But also keep up with the high standards they create for themselves.

They execute to win even when no one is watching.

They work because they know if they let their standards slide even for a small “unimportant task”...

That behavior will seep into all areas of life…

And ultimately result in making them broke.

Which group do you want to be in?

You have the choice.

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