When you’re in a situation where you disagree with somebody else...
I want you to consider this:
What if we all want the same things...
…but we have different ways of communicating it?
This is something I think about often...
You should too.
Because the truth is...
Most of us do want the same things.
We all want peace.
We all want opportunity.
We all want freedom.
But instead of having the productive conversations necessary to move forward together...
Modern society and social media has become a platform for people to push their ideologies and attack anybody who even mildly disagrees.
If this is you...
You're part of the problem.
If you want to be part of the solution...
Quit treating conversations as something to win … and start working to understand the viewpoints and perspectives of others.
You don't have to agree with everyone...
But through developing the skill of putting yourself in the other person's shoes...
You'll have a far easier time finding a solution that benefits everyone.