Turn Your Failures Into Opportunities

April 03, 2023 1 min read

Andy speaking

When things aren't going your way and it feels like everything is working against you ... it can be easy to adopt a negative mindset.

It's natural.

Bad shit = Bad mood.

…but here is the flip side…

Bad mood = Bad shit happening.

The people who consistently lose in life allow this negativity to spread and cloud their focus...

Negativity consumes them and creates a negative being within them.

Which is ultimately what keeps them from ever breaking free from their failures and taking action to become great.

The people who win consistently in life have these struggles too...

But, instead of allowing this negativity to spread...

They shift their focus away from their failures...

...and start pouring all of their energy into extracting and applying the lesson in order to move forward.

It's not that these people have any less shit to deal with than everybody else...

They just choose to focus on how they can use their failures and obstacles to improve instead of allowing these negative situations to bury them.

When bad shit happens to you...

Which it will...

Shift your focus to the lesson.

Allow these parts of life to teach you.

Be grateful for the lesson…

…and keep moving.

Obsessing over the negatives will give them more power.

Extracting and applying the lesson will give you more power.

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