The Truth About Leadership

April 29, 2023 1 min read

Andy speaking to a group outside

Despite what you may have heard about leadership...

Being a leader is not a title that automatically gives you the respect and loyalty of the people you manage or work with.

It's an earned title...

One you must work every single day to uphold.

It's not about the glory...

It's not about being above the people you lead...

It's not about kicking your feet up and giving orders...

In fact, all of these points are why most people are shitty leaders.

Becoming a great leader is fucking hard.

You have to shut up, listen, and act selflessly...

You have to make difficult decisions that a lot of people aren't going to agree with...

You have to recognize and value actions over words, in yourself and your team...

You have to be the first to take action, not the last...

You have to be self-aware, hold yourself accountable, and audit your actions and intent consistently...

You have to drop your ego and admit when you make mistakes ... because you will....

You have to recognize when your team is struggling and know when to step in and help...

You have to seek discomfort, and train your team to do the same...

...and you have to do it all without compromise.

Otherwise, you'll risk losing the respect of your team for good.

Being a great leader is no different than being the tip of a spear...

It's the dirtiest, bloodiest, and most damaged.

But it's also the most important.

The world needs leaders...

The question is...

Will you be one of them?

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