The Biggest Lie You Were Told Growing Up...

June 16, 2020 2 min read

Andy talking at a company meeting

You know what the biggest lie told to you growing up is?

Before I answer I want you to think.

Think about your parents and the lifestyle they had.

Think about your teachers and the lifestyle they had.

Think about your Aunts & Uncles and the lifestyle they had.

Think about your coaches and the lifestyle they had.

Think about your guidance counselor and they lifestyle they had.

Think about the jobs they had.

Think about the money they earned.

Think about the house they lived in.

Think about the car they drove.

Think about their view of the world and what they perceive as possible and who greatness is reserved for.

Think of ALL the people who influenced you from the time you were born till the time you set out on your own as an adult.

Look at their lives.

These are the people who formed your beliefs about the world.

These are the people who formed your beliefs about what is possible in your life.

I’m sure they are great people. I’m sure they are probably tremendous people that you love very much.

However, we aren’t talking about love.

We are talking about why you think the way you do, and why you have such a hard time believing that success on a massive scale is for you.

We are talking about why you see success as luck, magical & chance...

...instead of a step by step process you are fully in control of.

Effort + Time = Results ...and that’s it.

But it’s hard to learn that & BELIEVE it when your entire life you were influenced by people who thought differently.

So...what’s the biggest lie?

“Success is for other people”

“Wealth is for other people”

“Winning huge at life is for other people”

“Changing the world is for other people”

Bullshit. All of this is for YOU and anyone else who resolves with everything they have to make it happen.

The one guarding the gates to success is you.

It’s time say “Fuck you” to the lie.

And run as fast as you can with the truth!


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