Here’s how I celebrate my wins..

October 22, 2020 1 min read

Hour glass 

Have you ever seen people get a minor win, and they celebrate it forever?

They think they have “made it”...

They think their moderately significant accomplishment is permanent enough to keep them floating on the top of life forever…

Have you seen people doing that?

I bet you have…

I see it all of the time.

People spend so much time (and oftentimes money) celebrating a small win, that it ends up costing them a lot more than what they gained from the win.

They are so busy celebrating…

And showing off...

That it takes their focus away from the long game.

To avoid making this mistake myself … I created a special rule…

It’s called the “24-Hour Rule.”

You worked hard for your win…

And you should celebrate it…

But not more than 24 hours…

After 24 hours, it’s time to get back to business.

Not only will that help you take every single day seriously regardless of your successes…

It also gets you away from the trap of talking about things you did a year, 5 years, or 10 years ago…

If you focus on the little bit of success you had a few months or years ago…

You will always be one step behind the people who are moving ahead with the same intensity…

Celebrate for 24 hours max…

And then it all becomes invalid.

Keep your head in the game.

Don’t just win the battles…

Win the war.

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