Keep This In Mind When You Get Frustrated...

September 05, 2020 1 min read

Windy road 

No matter what stage of life you are in…

No matter how much money you have in your bank account…

No matter how many followers you have on social media…

One thing will always stay true…

You will never have everything figured out.


Even in my 21 years in the business world, and countless life experiences…

I am still figuring things out.

Do you think I knew anything about business and running a company when I started in 1999?

Hell no.

Remember this…

Regardless of how people might act, nobody really knows 100% what they are doing.

And usually the harder they pretend to have their shit together…

The more lost they are.

So, if you feel confused and frustrated…

Understand that it is normal.

Embrace it.

And get excited about how much progression is going to come from that.

The key is to know you’ll never figure it out…

But NEVER STOP trying to figure it all out anyway.

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