Life is Better When You’re Grateful

November 23, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella with his dog

Today is Thanksgiving...

A day to be grateful for all the amazing people and things in our lives.

...and as you take inventory of everything you're grateful for...

I want you to ask yourself this question...

Do you express gratitude every day?


Do you only express gratitude when it's convenient and popular?

Because while Thanksgiving may be a holiday for being grateful...

If you truly want to live a happy and fulfilling life...

You should be taking the time to express your genuine gratitude and appreciation EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Most people spend a majority of their lives bitching and dwelling on the negatives...

Which also happens to be the reason why most people are miserable and ungrateful.

Don't let that be you.

If you're fortunate enough to have food, water, and shelter...

I can promise you...

You have far more to be grateful for than you may realize.

Be grateful...

Life gets a lot better when you are.

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