The narrative on social media surrounding confidence is that it's something we all have and just need to access within ourselves.
The truth is much different.
Confidence is not something you can fake by smiling ... reciting daily affirmations ... or doing any of that bullshit.
It may make you feel better in the moment...
But I promise you...
That's not real confidence.
It’s a confidence mask.
Real confidence is earned.
You aren't born with it...
You can't buy it...
You can't fake it...
...and you definitely can't find it within yourself if you've never done anything to earn it.
Confidence is built through execution...
Solving problems…
Pursuit of a worthy and difficult purpose…
Pursuit of a better you…
Building a strong mind…
Building a strong body…
Standing true to a worthy heart…
…and keeping the promises you make to yourself about these things.
Nothing else.
The more consistently you show up to execute on these things ... the more confidence you'll build.
But building and maintaining confidence is a lifelong process.
Don't expect to collect a few wins and be set for life...
Confidence is a perishable skill.
If you don’t invest in it…
…you lose it.
Your confidence is earned every single day … and there are zero exceptions to that rule.
Focus on becoming someone you can be proud of through your actions...
Only then will you understand what real confidence is all about.
It’s worth the work.