History is Written by the People Who Win

January 31, 2023 1 min read

Andy sitting in a locker room with Tim Grover

History is written by the people who win.

Don't believe me?

Consider this…

Do you know the names of any Olympic bronze medalists?

I don't.

I doubt you do either...

...and even if you do know one...

I guarantee you don't know them because they got the bronze medal.

That's because losers aren't remembered...

Winners are.

It’s just the way it is.

There are plenty of people who show up, try their best, and have the best intentions...

These people get very little in return for “their best”...

They make little money…

Nobody thinks about these people…

Nobody recognizes these people...

I promise you that nobody remembers these people either.

…and the worst part…

They suffer greatly the entire journey.

Everybody knows Tom Brady.

Everybody knows Michael Jordan.

Everybody knows Kobe Bryant.

...and if you want your name to be known among the greats...

You have to WIN.

You have to produce RESULTS.

It always has been this way...

...and it always will be.

You can bitch about it all you want...

…but I didn’t make the rules.

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