Think about how much progress you could make if every time you got tired...
You didn't "feel like it"...
Or you wanted to tap out...
You instead took care of the task at hand.
If you could develop that within yourself...
How could you ever lose?
Everyone seems to think that "successful people" have it easy...
But that couldn't be further from the truth.
They battle just like you...
And there are days where they get tired, just like you do.
The only difference is they have developed strong self-discipline.
They have learned to identify the voice in their head that says "You're tired, you deserve a break"...
Ignore it...
And immediately pivot into productive action.
So even when the last thing they want to do is the work...
They choose to execute at a high level, regardless of how they feel.
If you really want to develop a habit of winning...
You have to realize that success is far less about how productive you are when you "feel like it"...
And far more about how well you execute when you DON'T feel like it.