Build People Up

June 11, 2024 1 min read

When you pour into others...

They will pour right back into you.

Yes ... you will come across people who won't appreciate it.

Yes ... you will have to deal with some shitty people and situations.

But I can promise you this…

There are far more people who will be grateful for your support than people who will be ungrateful.

Building others up is one of the best investments you can make in life.

It's an investment in your fulfillment...

Your friendships...

Your experiences...

...and your success.

None of us can do it alone.

We're living through difficult times.

People are struggling.

People need your help.

Be there for them.

Build them up.

Not only is it the right thing to do...

But when you show up for others in their time of need...

They will always show up in yours.

Never forget that.

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