Apply This Rule in Your Life…

January 22, 2023 1 min read

Andy sitting in his car

I have a rule for myself that I call the "24-Hour Rule."

Here's how it works...

When I get a win that I worked my ass off for...

I celebrate the same as anyone else who's accomplished amazing things would.

But after 24 hours have passed...

I refocus...

Then get aggressive about working toward my next wins.

I adopted this rule years ago because I've seen far too many people who over-celebrate their wins...

Immediately think they've "made it"…

Then attempt to ride the wave of their small win for the rest of their life ... only to end up losing in the long run.

Understand that if you're always focused on your wins from the past...

You will get beat by every other motherfucker who shows up to compete and execute every single day … regardless of how many wins you’ve accumulated up to this point.

I'm not saying you shouldn't celebrate your wins...

But the longer you bask in the temporary glory of your wins...

The more time you allow yourself to fall behind and get crushed by your competition.

So enjoy your wins...

But the second those 24 hours are up...

Put yourself back in the game.

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