You Have A Lot To Prove

January 21, 2023 1 min read

Andy talking into a microphone

It's become more and more popular for people to talk about how they have "nothing to prove" to anyone...

But if you pay attention to the people who say this…

You'll see that 9 times out of 10 they're out of shape...

Their relationships are mediocre at best…

Their finances are shit…

They're just negative and miserable people in general…

All because they are fixated on the mindset of having "nothing to prove."

If this is you...

Have you ever considered that having something to prove could be the entire reason why people who do great things get them done?

Because it is.

Personally, I still have a shit ton to prove … and always will.

Not to you though…

Or anyone else…

To myself.

All highly successful people feel this way.

So give yourself an audit…

Are you living up to your full potential?

Are you exactly where you want to be in life?

Are you making a huge impact on the people around you?

...and even if you are...

How much more could you do … and how much better could you become?

When you start to answer these questions...

You'll start to realize that even though you may not have anything to prove to other people...

You have A LOT to prove to yourself.

I definitely do.

Ditch the mindset of having "nothing to prove."

Adopt the mindset of having everything to prove to yourself…

...then act accordingly.

If you do that … you’ll be happy with how your life turns out.

I promise.

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