When is enough, enough? When are you going to buy enough courses or go to enough conferences? I am all for you finding resources that actually provide value by teaching you something. I support you trying to develop yourself as a person & entrepreneur. The problem is, a lot of you need to declutter the nonsense in your lives, stop dabbling in "generating income" & start driving deep into building a real brand & legitimate company. You need to stop wasting time & double down on creating an empire.
00:15 – Andy's introduction to today's show
01:10 – Why Andy doesn't frequently speak at events today
02:15 – How Andy takes issue with the business model behind events
03:45 – When is enough, enough?
05:00 – Why most of you are creating businesses that can't scale
05:40 – How to think about launching a business
06:20 – Why you should be generating value AND cash flow
07:20 – "The point is not to look wealthy, it is to be wealthy."
08:00 – Why building a brand is of utmost importance
08:30 – How events feed into this toxic culture
09:00 – Why Andy's personal values do not align with most events
10:00 – How you are being taken advantage of
11:00 – Why there is no shortcut in the game of success
11:40 – How everything you need to know is available for free
12:10 – The choice you need to make right now
13:15 – Why you need to declutter the nonsense
14:00 – How to create a life that deserves recognition
15:15 – Why what you avoid the most is the key to winning
15:45 – How we are always looking for the next thing
16:15 – Why Andy spends just 10% of his income on his lifestyle
17:15 – How Andy reinvested all of his money back into his companies
18:10 – Why you should be constantly putting money back into your business
20:00 – How Andy strives to be a force for good
20:50 – Why people don't want to be taught anything
21:30 – How Facebook's algorithm will soon change
22:10 – Why you need to be thinking about creating generational wealth
22:40 – How most event attendees are actually in debt
24:00 – Why you need to pick and choose wisely