Nike running shoes? Check. AirPods? Check. Weighted vest? Check. Alright...let's f*cking GO! Yes, that's we made podcast history as the first episode recorded *while* doing the SECOND of TWO workouts, after an already long & busy day of running a 9-figure business. Was I tired? F*ck yeah, I was tired. But that doesn't mean I can't execute...& what you need to understand is that if want to enjoy your best possible life, you have to learn to push yourself hard, even after you're exhausted.
00:10 – Andy's introduction to today's show
00:30 – Why Andy decided to record this show while working out
01:20 – How this week has been filled with excuses for Andy
02:00 – The worst possible excuse for not completing your critical tasks
03:10 – Why "I'm tired" needs to be removed from your vocabulary
03:45 – How you are biological programmed to become tired as time goes on
05:15 – Why every single person who has ever accomplished anything important has pushed through this resistance
06:40 – The one thing people who are successful truly understand
07:45 – Why success is determined by your ability to produce even when you don't have energy
09:00 – The only way to reach your true potential
10:15 – Why you are being held back from achieving your goals
11:00 – How you are always going to feel less than ideal if you're on the path to success
11:40 – Why you can be comfortable but still fail to reach your ultimate potential