Your Opportunity Is Now

September 11, 2024 1 min read

Long before you get wherever it is you're trying to go in life...

You have to operate as if you're already there.

Long before you become who it is you're trying to become...

You have to execute as if you're already that person.

Long before you've started building momentum and making progress toward your goals...

You have to believe that you've already reached your goals ... and you're just waiting for time to pass.

That's the equation.

Execution + Belief + Time = Massive Success

It's the exact formula that every single highly successful person has followed...

...and it's the exact formula you need to follow to build yourself and your life into something of true greatness.

Most people think they're just going to show up...

Check boxes...


...and then when they are finally presented with their opportunity...

They'll start executing and operating at the level necessary to win.

The reality is the literal opposite.

Here's how it works...

When you act, behave, and execute as if you are already a high performing individual...

...and you give your goals enough time to materialize...

They will eventually become the reality of your life.

Your best execution is required now.

Your belief is required now.

Your opportunity is now.

So ask yourself...

Are you operating as the person you want to become now?

Are you operating at the level required to reach your goals now?

If you aren't...

Don't expect a life that's any different than the one you have now.

That’s just how it works.

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