Your American Duty

July 04, 2024 1 min read

Don't be afraid.

Stand up.

Tell the truth.

Do not be intimidated like you have been in the past.

They have kept their foot on your neck for years.

They have bullied you for years.

Do not be intimidated ever again.

Stand for what's right.

Be proud.

Unite with your fellow patriots.

Observe how they try to divide us and reject it.

We are all victims of the elite ruling class.

Unite in your love for America.

Do not be held hostage for a single second.

Be strong.

Be brave.

Be true to your beliefs.

There is no nobility in silence.

There is no nobility in passivity.

There is no nobility in cowardice.

Do not let them tear this country apart any further.

Fuck them.

This is America.

Remember who the fuck we are.

...and remember that freedom only exists when you exercise it.

So do it.

It's your duty.

Happy Independence Day.

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