It doesn't matter how much you learn.
It doesn't matter how skilled you become.
It doesn't matter how many reps you take.
You will never be perfect.
Perfection never has been and never will be possible for any of us.
So if you're waiting for the perfect time...
The perfect plan...
The perfect opportunity...
The perfect circumstances...
...or the perfect anything before you get started pursuing your goals...
You'll be waiting for your entire life.
Here's the good news:
You don't need to be perfect to win.
You just need to take action.
...Which means you also have to be willing to suck and look stupid in the beginning.
It's an unavoidable phase on the journey of pursuing high levels of personal and professional achievement.
Everyone who's ever become great in anything has undergone this very same process.
Thinking that you will somehow be able to skip it isn't only arrogant...
But also extremely insulting to everyone who actually has put in the work to become truly great.
Swallow your pride and make a commitment to showing up and giving it everything you've got.
If you can do that...
Nothing will stand in your way of winning.
Nothing at all.