Ever notice how it's always the same people that continuous bad shit happens to?
It's always the same people talking about how they got cheated...
Lied to...
Screwed over...
Unfairly treated...
And blame everything but themselves for where they are...
Over & over & over again.
These people would have you believe that they are the unluckiest people on earth...
And present themselves as otherwise GREAT people to try to make you feel sorry for them...
Until you go back and really examine their decisions.
Then you see the lazy...
Short-term decisions that are revolved around what's best for them "right now".
On the other hand...
Ever notice how people who win consistently in life never bitch about these same things happening to them?
Why is that?
Do you really think bad things never happen to these people?
The fact is ... the same things the victims cry about...
Winners thrive on.
They understand that by overcoming these struggles, they will be stronger and more prepared.
Winning is an attitude and a perspective.
You have a choice:
Keep living a weak, bullshit life that will be insignificant by ALL standards.
Or don't.
Either way...
You get what you deserve.