You Can’t Win by Doing This...

February 08, 2024 1 min read

 Andy Frisella talking to a group

Achieving anything big in life is hard on its own…

And if you add in the people and habits that are constantly eating your energy away…

It becomes next to impossible.

How arrogant do you have to be to assume that you are gonna win big with putting in  60, 70 or 80% of effort…

While your competition is giving it 100%?

Do you get it?

This is why those who win are extremely selective of who & what they surround themselves with…

No nagging people…

No shitty habits…

No gossip…

No drama…

No unproductive shit show to divert them from the main goal.

If you want to even have the opportunity to compete in the big leagues…

You gotta run as fast as you can…

To the best of your ability…

And you can’t do that while carrying dead weight on your back.

You gotta learn to cut that shit out.

Your success in life depends on it.

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