Winning Is a Habit

September 16, 2024 1 min read

It's weird to me how many people claim they're willing to do whatever it takes to win in life...

Then proceed to pick and choose which tasks and details they execute on with the proper effort and intent.

What these people fail to realize is that every detail matters...

Not just the ones they think matter.

...and every single time they cut a corner or half-ass their execution with these details...

They are building a habit of executing at a lower standard than what's actually required to win.

If this is you...

You must understand that how you do one thing is how you do everything.

This isn't just some bullshit cliche saying either...

It's the truth.

Winning is a habit.

...and it's a habit you develop by executing on every task and detail at the highest level possible.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything.

...and we all know the difference too.

Build a habit out of doing things the right way.

Stay disciplined to the details even when you think they matter least...

You'll have no problem staying disciplined to the details when it comes to the "bigger" or "more important" tasks.

Wondering where you're missing the mark?

I can almost guarantee you it's here.

Start treating every single detail as if it's the most important detail there is.

You'll be amazed at how quickly your life will change when you do.

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