What Do You Do When You Are Tired?

October 28, 2020 2 min read

Man tired working 

Let me ask you a question…

If your job involves sending emails throughout the day…

Which email is more important?

Is it the first one you send in the morning…

Or is it the 17th email later in the day?

If you handle phone calls from your customers…

Which one do you take more seriously?

Is it the first one when you are all fresh and fired up…

Or the one really late in the evening when you’re answering the same question for the 700th time?

Think about it…

...because it dictates how much success you will achieve in life.

Let me make it crystal clear for you…

Every single one of them is EQUALLY IMPORTANT.

Do you know why?

Because regardless of the time of the day…

Or the number of calls/emails…

That interaction is the only representation of your company or your personal brand that people take away with them.

It might be your 1000th at bat of the day … but for your customer, it’s their 1 and only interaction with you.

Winners know that they have to execute with the same degree of attention and detail whether you feel like it or not…

And if you want to be a high achiever…

You have to train yourself so that the last interaction of the day is just as good as the first interaction of the day.

What do you do when you get tired?

Do you just start to take it easy and let the little details slide away?

Or do you push your annoyances to the side and execute?

That’s what separates the people who fail from the people who continuously dominate in the long run.

We all get tired of doing this…

I would love to tell you that only the first two emails of the day need to be great…

And the rest can just be “okay”...

I would love to tell you that you can work really hard for the first 20 minutes of the day…

And the rest of the day you can just fuck around…

And you can still win…

But if I told you that…

I’d be lying.

You have to execute … with the proper intent … no matter how you feel.

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