Time is a Limited Resource

July 06, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella on stage in front of a crowd

Whether you are choosing to actively pursue your goals or not...

Time is going to pass...

...and it will never stop or slow down.

Losers think about how long it's going to take to reach their goals...

Get intimidated...

Then wait around for the perfect time to start until they don't have any time left.

Winners know it's going to take a long time to reach their goals...

So they choose to spend their time aggressively working toward them no matter how long it takes.

Understand that your time is an extremely limited resource.

…and it’s going to go no matter how you decide to use it.

I recommend you use it wisely.

Because before you know it...

You won't have any time left.

I want to be remembered for maximizing my time and my contributions to the world with the time I had...

…not waiting for a bunch of motherfuckers who aren’t ever gonna do anything to give me permission, believe in me, cheer for me or approve of my path.

My body of work will speak for itself.

I guarantee you that.

Join me in that commitment and we’ll be having the last laugh together when we did everything they said we couldn’t and “they” did nothing.

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