This Is A Winner’s Greatest Asset…

January 17, 2022 2 min read

Andy talking on stage

All day long I get message after message and they all say the same thing...

"Andy, I want to do this, but I don't have the ___ I need to succeed."

When I read that, I automatically know these people don't fucking get it...

They don't realize that the lack of having an advantage...

The lack of options...

...and the lack of resources...

Is a winner's GREATEST ASSET.

Let me explain...

When I first started out in business...

I didn't have investors...

I didn't have any money...

I didn't have a trust fund...

I didn't have another job to fall back on...

I didn't have parents that were going to bail me out...

I had to go out and earn every single cent...

Every single opportunity...

Every bit of growth...

All of it had to be earned the hard way.

...and I knew if I wanted to succeed...

I didn't have a choice.

I had 0 options.

I had to pull ideas literally out of thin air...

Jerry-rig solutions...

...and work as hard as I fucking could to force things into existence.

It was either I do that, or fucking fail.

If shit was going to happen...

I had to make it happen.

Everybody who has come from nothing and built great shit understands this.

Having 0 resources is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

It was from having nothing that I learned to develop everything I needed to accomplish literally anything in business and life.

Over time...

I learned how to value resourcefulness over resources.

While everybody else relies on money to fix the problem...

I was able to rely on grit...




...and creativity to beat the other guy.

The person with these skills will always beat the person with the resources...


You not having the connections...

Not having the resources...

Not having the money...

...and not having the opportunity...


True winners understand that what drives improvement the most is a sense of desperation.

The best ideas...

The most valuable skills...

The highest standards...

They all come when you literally have no other fucking choice.

When it's do or die, and your back is against the wall…

Having no other options is what forces you to become better.

It's what drives you to become the best...

...and what equips you with the tools to win.

One day when you have developed world class skills that your competition never developed because they had it easier than you…

…you’ll be glad that you embraced the lack of help and learned the real shit.

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