The Truth About “Self-Care”

September 08, 2023 1 min read

Andy Frisella sitting down

What do you think of when you hear the phrase "self-care"?

Do you think about showing up to pursue your goals...

Training your body to be in peak physical shape...

Feeding your brain good information...

Holding yourself to a high standard...

...and executing at a high level to build the life you truly want for yourself?


Do you think about taking it easy on yourself...

Binge watching your favorite shows...

Eating shitty food...

"Treating yourself" through guilty pleasures...

...and sitting on your ass to take a breather when you can't handle your shit?

The bullshit feel-good memes you read on the internet will tell you it's the latter.

But deep down ... you know the real answer.

You know that taking care of yourself has nothing to do with allowing your personal standards and execution to slide.

You know that in order to take care of yourself...

You need to make yourself and your life a priority.

Here's the way I see it...

You can either get aggressive about becoming great and building your life into the one you truly want...

Or you can accept a lower standard and a life that you feel the constant need to escape from through "self-care."

Those are your only options.

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