The Real Reason You Have Fear

September 14, 2020 1 min read

Andy leaning up against his car

Have you thought about why people are afraid of the dark?

Why do people fear taking a leap into starting something that they have never done before?

If there’s something that you are scared of…

Do you really know the root reason of why you actually fear it so much?

It’s because of a LACK OF INFORMATION.

Now go back and read the questions I asked you above…

It applies to all of them.

Not only that, every moment in your life when you are in doubt and full of fear…

You are lacking information about the subject matter.

Educate yourself.

Train yourself.

Keep yourself informed.

Seek credible sources to improve on a continual basis.

And keep working and learning…

Day in and day out.

For a long time.

This is the only way you will ever win in life.

If you don’t want to be controlled by fear...

You need to fight fear with information.

You can’t fix something you don’t know anything about.

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