The Only Way to Become Truly Selfless...

May 16, 2021 1 min read

Andy talking with others

Do you understand what it means to truly be selfless?

Most people don't.

They'll tell you being selfless is all about contributing to other people when they require assistance...

This is the trap that most people fall into that is actually counterproductive to life.

In order to be selfless...

In order to serve...

In order to set an example...

In order to contribute to others...

You must first be SELFISH.

Not many people will understand this...

But here's the truth...

If you aren't the best version of yourself that you can be...

If you aren't operating at a high level...

If you aren't invested in constantly improving your skillset...

You won't have the capacity to contribute to others on a deep level and make a real difference.

I'm not saying you have to be perfect...

But when you're committed to developing yourself...

You are creating a better product in yourself...

A product that will allow you to serve in a better way.

Creating this product requires selfishness…

That's okay.

If you focus on building the best version of yourself…

You will have a bigger impact than you ever thought possible.

That is true selflessness.

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